Saturday, January 17, 2009

Best of car Club Grounds

best example khanacross grounds forum list

Other clubs experiences indicate a large venue is a much better option for future growth than I originally though.

The other thing I did notice is that the sucessfull clubs with good facilities were actually from rural areas, not the Capital Cities.  The land costs in and around the ACT simply mean a car club simply could not afford a block of land to use.

A good example is Awabawac Park
The club resides in Toronto - 30 mins south of Newcastle -
and has built a motorsport complex at Awaba.
Awabawac Park contains a 3km rallysprint course, 3 1km
khanacross courses, and 5 motorkhana paddocks - all on dirt.

Bormsa in WA appears to be a fairly flat 50Ha paddock used for Khanacrosses that is cropped and/or grazed.

An example of a 10Ha converted/rehabilitated quarry is SEAC Park,
Its nature seems to be more of a Khanacross area.

Walky Park is a 450 acre property housing 2 main tracks approximately 3 kms long, used for Rallysprints.

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